Natural Remedies

Still Hurting And Miserable With C Diff

Posted by Brie (Strongcity, Ks) on 06/03/2012

Hi my name is Brie and I was diagnosed with c diff. I have been through three rounds of metronidazole and one round of vancomycin and I am still hurting. The doctor that has been helping me told me to wait a few weeks. Well its at the end of week one and I am starting to hurt more than usual. What should I do and is there any type of food that can help me get rid of it and programs to help me get another round of vancomycin and this one doctor that kept giving more anti biotics after I told him something was wrong with my stomach. He just kept sending me home saying that the antibiotics cant do such a thing can I get him in trouble for that?

Please help me, I dont know what to do and how to get rid of this and I am in a lot of pain to where I cant work.

Replied by Bill
San Fernando, Philippines

Hi Brie... The most probable cause and main aggravator of your C-diff problem is over-use of antibiotics. So because your doctor is over-prescribing even more antibiotics over the long term for your problem, your problem is therefore bound to get even worse. See these links on something called The Antibiotic Syndrome:

The Antibiotic Syndrome

The End of Antibiotics and the Rise of Iodine as an Effective Alternative

Just do a Google Search on "lugol's iodine kills c-diff" for more info.

What will help destroy the clostridium bacteria is the following:

* Put 4 drops of lugol's iodine into a litre of mineral water and drink this throughout the day outside mealtimes. Do this everyday. It's really up to you how many drops of lugol's iodine you use everyday -- the more the better -- but this will depend on the severity of the die-off and detox reaction that arises from this kind of internal iodine use. Unfortunately iodine is too good -- not only will it kill the c-diff quickly but it will also detox your body and removes dangerous heavy metals, bromide and fluorine from your body which can give significant detox reactions and symptoms. So, in regard to iodine supplementation -- Start Small and Go Slow.

* Take turmeric tablets every day with meals or take the powdered form in green tea. Turmeric is also a c-diff killer. Turmeric is also food.

* Take the recommended dosage of organic aloe vera juice several times a day outside mealtimes. This will help to heal the intestines and should help to greatly reduce the pain.

* Take a 1/4 tspn Bentonite clay, twice a day, in a half glass of water outside mealtimes as recommended. Adding psyllium husks to the Bentonite drink will also help. Bentonite works because its particles have a negative charge which attracts all positively charged toxins, heavy metals, pathogens etc and helps to remove them safely and naturally from the body. This is a gentle protocol that is quite safe with few side-effects.

The above protocols will help to kill the C-Diff quickly and will also remove and neutralize the intestinal toxins and will help to heal your intestines naturally.

You also say you have a problem with your stomach. This isn't much to go on but could mean possible associated problems with H pylori. So best to get tested for H pylori.

The last thing I would do is fire your doctor -- he is definitely clueless about the Antibiotic Syndrome and his recommendations are not helping you. You should see a naturopath instead -- naturopaths are much more knowledgeable and sympathetic towards problems caused by gut dysbiosis and they also understand and more fully appreciate the Antibiotic Syndrome and how it arises.


Will iodine kill the c-diff spores too?

Replied by Wayfarer
Cookeville, Tn, Usa

My mother, at almost 90, had c-diff. I doubt she would have lasted long. Within 24 hours of taking bovine colostrum (capsules available at your health food store) her bowel movements were normal. You might want to give it a try.

Replied by Blackened Dove
Arlington, Tx

To Wayfarer from Cookville, TN: Thank you for this information. I am suffering badly with c diff. Woken from my sleep at 5:30 this morning with the urge I ran to the restroom. It is now 9:30 and I have already gone to the bathroom 6 times. Can you tell me how many pills your grandma took? Or did she use the regular recommended dose? I will be going to buy some of these on my lunch break in a couple of hours.