Streptococcus Bacteria In Stool
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 06/04/2015
Would anyone know the significance of high strepococcus bacteria in stool test results. I was being tested for parasites; there were none.
Replied by Dave
Fountain Inn, Sc
Fountain Inn, Sc
Hello Frances,
High levels of Strep B strain in stool might be the cause of lots of potential problems. You are suffering with something because you were testing for parasites...right. Well, maybe it's the Strep B class bacteria causing the problem. Google "Strep in stool" and see the Wiki article for the full list of B. (The A strain causes what we normally think of with Strep Throat, pneumonia etc.)
Replied by Frances
Cabarlah, Qld.
Cabarlah, Qld.