Was Diagnosed With Costochondritis
My doctor diagnosed me with costocondritis.... Swelling between the ribs. I have pains in my chest. No trouble breathing. Just uncomfortable dull pains across the chest. Can anyone help me?
Grand Prairie, Tx, Usa
Winkler, Mb
Maumee, Oh
Newport, Ri
Plano, Tx
My daughter was diagnosed with Costochondritis by her pediatrician. He told me to give her advil 3x day for pain for six weeks before he would refer us to someone. That didn't seem right to me. Anyway, she was in a lot of pain. She was going to the school nurse several times a day and she loves school, so we all knew it had to be something. I was able to get her in to see my naturpath doctor and he said she did not have Costochondritis. Apparently she is having digestive issues mainly from protein and due to that gas forms around the heart causing severe pain. He has her taking 1 Multizyme capsule with meals and 1 Magnesium capsule at night. She also takes 1 Dolomite if she has the chest pain after meals. Note that the Dolomite only temporarily removes the gas. It doesn't resolve the issue. It worked immediately.
As long as I give her the Multizyme capsule at least once a day she has no pain. I don't give her the Dolomite unless she had pain and missed taking the Multizyme. She's only been to the nurse once in 10 days and it was when she went over 24 hrs without taking anything. She's only 7, so I have to break open the capsule and dissolve it in a tiny bit of water. She then drinks juice afterwards. The naturpath said that if she had Costochondritis it would hurt her just to barely put pressure on her rib area. I think maybe some people are being misdiagnosed. I hope this helps!
Annapolis, Maryland
I popped something in my chest a year and a half ago while straining to push up a very heavy object. I can now "pop" my chest, much like cracking your knuckle, about 2-3 times a day. It actually relieves a little pressure and dull pain when I do pop it. However, when I go to the gym and do dip exercises the pain is excruciating, to the point I have to stop almost immediately. (I've obviously stopped doing dip exercises) I went to a chiropractor after looking at a couple threads that mentioned it could actually be my spine, but that didn't help much at all. I've lived with this pain for about a year and half now and not even my doctor has been much help.
Has anyone had this chest popping issue and completely recover from it?
Florida Panhandle
Reply to Ryanv123 from Annapolis, Maryland: I really hope that this has already resolved! The popping in your chest sounds like a fracture/break of the cartilage. I experienced the same type of excrutiating pain high on my sternum/3rd rib after a car accident. Being high on the sternum, I could still breathe shallowly and not reinjure the connection. I had to be careful with how I moved my arms and shoulders because that would separate the rib and sternum which prolonged the healing. So, if I had your type of pain, I would get some Kinesio tape to stabilize the area and I would AVOID popping it for at least 6 weeks. Cartilage takes longer to heal than muscle, similar to a bone fracture. The Kinesio tape can be left on for about 3 - 5 days at a time. Avoiding the popping allows the tissues to join. I hope that you heal well!